This page will show a walkthrough of the Profile: Members section. This section applies to the domain and all updates made here will be referenced across the different grants and/or bounties you have created under the domain.


So, let’s add a new member. You can click the “Create invite link” button and you will be greeted with a message that looks like the below. From here you will select the level of permissions that you want to give the member that you are inviting to join. From here, you can add other members and reviewers to your domain. The permissions are as follows:


Once you decide on the level of permissions you can click “Create invite link” and then share the link. Careful that you share the link with only the member you would like to add and not in a public place (via a public slack, telegram, etc.)


Once the member receives they will need to make sure they are logged into the wallet they would like to use in Metamask. They will go to the link and a screen as shown below will be presented. They will click “Continue” from here.


From here they will enter their name (real or pseudonym 🙂) and upload a picture if they would like. Once these things have been done click “Create profile”