
Ideas to build on top of Questbook

What are we looking for?

The grant program is looking for projects that are built on top of the Questbook grants tool. We are looking for proposals:

  1. To attract more quality builders on the QB grants tool
  2. To build dApps for running grants programs efficiently:
    1. dApps that help in accounting and financial reporting of payouts
    2. dApps that help in the KYC process on the grants tool
  3. To improve the existing QB grants tool ():
    1. Improve QB’s landing page (
    2. Come up with Stats page ideas for a graphical representation of the following data points (you can come up with your own data points as well):
      1. Number of proposals
      2. Turnaround time for proposals
      3. Number of proposals accepted/rejected
      4. Total amount disbursed by the grants program

Note: If you need any help from us on design, feel free to mention it in your proposal, we are open to discussing it further given that we like your proposal

What makes a good proposal